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Some of the Best I’ve Read This Week

This article from Neil Patel and Quick Sprout details exactly how he’s quickly building a following and fast-growth content business online.  This is a great how-to for content marketing to drive inbound leads.  While Neil is an expert the process can be replicated by nearly anyone.  He also calls out a clear mistake in SEO strategy and website planning when beginning his new site.

Google revealed (admitted?) that mobile search volume has surpassed desktop search volume in at least 10 countries, including the U.S.  While this article focuses on the implications for Google’s advertising business there also are significant implications for all small businesses – your online presence, especially your website, must be mobile friendly.  That is no longer an option if you want to reach your target audience, it simply is.  And, that not only means the technology behind your properties being responsive, but also how you build and deliver content – shorter, harder hitting points are far more important in our quick-swipe world.

Here’s a good, quick read on what really works in the marketing world – not just the “online marketing world” but that’s the angle of this article.  “A real business that serves real people.”  That then uses great online marketing (don’t forget email!) to get the story told to the right folks.

And Happy Mother’s Day to you all and here’s a very cool, inventive way to extend the use of all those flowers we give one another: