In last week’s note, I discussed identifying your ideal target client.
Now let’s move on to determining your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).
Your UVP should form the foundation of all your marketing messaging:
It is the basis of the Core Story and Key Messages that distinguish you from the competition. It is really the one idea you want someone to remember about your business, especially when encountering you for the first time.
Without an effective UVP that resonates with your target customers, they will choose based on the easiest thing to choose on – PRICE. This will make your competitive situation a race to the bottom of the profitability game.
First, you should understand that it may not be what you think it is.
It is what your customers value most about working with you – and you should ask them.
A local veterinarian clinic might emphasize their experience, their doctors’ credentials, their technology in their clinic…OR…by talking to their most loyal (and profitable) customers they may learn why these customers continue to return to them for years and years is their empathy and care across their team in caring for these customers’ pets. That is, for these loyal customers they are the “Other Family Doctor” in their lives.
This simple message conveys how you do business and sets expectations for customers as to how the relationship is going to work – and it allays any fears or hesitation early in the relationship.
Put yourself in their shoes, this is what they value about working with you and why they return. It is something your competitors do not do.
Focus on why your best customers really do business with you, and you’ll win.
While You’re Busy Running Your Business…
People Don’t Leave Jobs. The Leave Bosses.
Are You Attracting the Wrong Kinds of Customers?
What Has Changed (and Not Changed) in Small Business Marketing
Does Your Marketing Reflect Your Unique Value?